The Java Project presents a group exhibition featuring work by the renowned Israeli artist Tsibi Geva along side new works by London-based artist Taline Temizian, and a score by British composer Alex McGery. Also featured in the exhibition is photography by Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty International’s crisis response manager. Silent War, refers to the artists’ historical and ongoing experiences of trauma in relation to war, conflict, and genocide. The artists’ specific histories in connection to the Armenian Genocide and Middle Eastern conflicts are explored in this exhibition. The works included in Silent War employ multi-disciplinary abstraction, distorting familiar objects and forms to explore the tension between emotional and physical reactions to trauma. The aim of the exhibition is to encourage viewers to identify with experiences of war, genocide, violence, occupation, and conflict in order to raise awareness about crimes against humanity. Questions about accountability and justice are considered through an abstracted digital-visual language and investigative methodologies referencing organizations such as Amnesty International and Forensic Architecture that are spearheading initiatives to provide information, solutions, and solace in areas of ongoing crisis.