15 Mar 15/03/2018 A.I.: Between Humour, Fear and Utopia – GLUON
27-29/4/2017 – A.I. between humour, fear & utopia
Don’t miss the occasion to see A.I. between humour, fear & utopia a Gluon & Bozar Lab exhibition presented at Tour & Taxis during the I Love Science Festival! Six artists residing in Brussels look at the crucial question of the impact of artificial intelligence on society with a look tinged with humour, anguish and utopian hopes. In their work, they reveal the interactions between man and machine and question the cultural, philosophical and spiritual dimensions of this phenomenon that affects us all. With artworks by Frederik De Wilde, Jonas Lund, Dries Depoorter, Taline Temizian, Pinar Yoldas, Jerry Galle and Alex Verhaest.
15.3.18 – A.I. between humour, fear & utopia II CCA, Montreal – Canada
Taline Temizian in collaboration with neuroscientist Dr Beatrice de Gelder. Pavilions of Memory (The Networks Project) (2018).
Pavilions of Memory is an interactive multi-media installation constructed like an imaginative dissected brain. Physically, a dissected brain looks very different when viewed from different perspectives: the side vs. the front. The structure of the piece explores this notion in the way it is constructed and what it represents and transmits.
The installation also recreates a color-coding system, a grid system that combines memories of the artist’s life as well as data from her own brain from FMRI-s and representations of her proxy memories and noise. These are technically coded and perform a certain algorithmic function shown on a monitor as reconstructed neural cinematic movies when combined with the audience’s input through a webcam. The results are ever-changing possibilities of outputs.