Networking Serendipities

Black Box (Seat Reserved For Void)==Memory Systems)

New media video installation
(200 cm x 150 cm)

Oil, calque collage, Lapis, Mesh, projection surface, Motor, aluminium, Piezo transducers, 3D print PLA, armatures, wire, Filament bulb, Microcontroller.

Our actions and interactions determine our memory and synapses in our ever-changing and volatile neural connections and hence, neural networks. Black Box in this case mimics our brain, in the way how it constantly forms new results based on each variable value that enters this artwork through its’ sensors. Here art imitates life and just like in life, time (clockwise and anti-clock-wise movement of the cursor), as well as the proximity of the audience in relation to the artwork defines all consequences. And now more than any other time! This work was conceived exactly one year before the pandemic. But its’ concept, observations and behaviours were ahead of its’ time as we can see now.

A small winking incandescent light bulb is spun by a motor at intervals mimicking the hard drive of a black box recorder. Small blips and chirps can be heard emitted from the four piezo-electric transducers.  An aircraft when crashes the black box (orange in reality) gets to be smashed and release its’ recording. The recording which starts at every take off and ends in every landing. This is very similar to how the brain (and the universe) function. Trauma releases buried and recorded but forgotten memories, or synaptic connections that get reactivated and reformed in order to form new meanings to old data. This CVR which controls the aircraft system being OK, is also somehow close to how the brain works. It is also activated by certain sensors and sensory experiences specially that of proximity, just like in this painting. A clock like cursor moves when you get closer.