Networking Serendipities

Concomitant Variant I

Painting, constructed sculpture, Projection installation.
(100 cm x 100 cm)

Wood CNC cut, metal accessories, canvas/Herringbone, projection surface, oil, pigments, acrylics, oil bars and mediums.

Variants and concomitant agents act as shifting signs and a system of signification, moving in flux between the signifier and signified, and making and remaking endless artworks and emotions. Homage to Roland Barthes – The Fashion System. Concomitant Variant I & II are the beginning of an endless series.

This artwork is designed in parts that are shapes where each shape and part forms the whole but the sum is much bigger than the whole of its’ parts which are individual sculptures (representing giant letters and a visual landscape in their own rights).The projection takes place on both sides of this artwork, letting space within and around the work to be a contemplative place for imagination and a background/foreground dynamic that the audience can interfere and interrupt influencing the outcome.